Button inside textarea
Button inside textarea

We will use CdkTextareaAutosize Directive for autosizing and will create reactive and template-driven forms with Angular Material textarea. If you don't know how to do that, which should be quite trivial, maybe you or your client should try to find someone that knows how to do it, as learning CSS, HTML and javascript from scratch will take some time. On this page we will create Angular Material textarea and validate it. There's no way to put HTML inside a textarea, you have to create the button and list outside the textarea and just place it with CSS. CdkTextareaAutosize also provides resizeToFitContent() method to resize the text area to fit its content and reset() method to reset the textarea to original size. It provides cdkTextareaAutosize property to enable autosizing, cdkAutosizeMinRows property to define minimum amount of rows and cdkAutosizeMaxRows property to define maximum amount of rows in the textarea for autosizing.

button inside textarea

MatInput provides errorStateMatcher property to assign ErrorStateMatcher object to control when to show validation error.Īngular Component Dev Kit (CDK) provides CdkTextareaAutosize Directive to automatically resize a textarea to fit its content. To use MatInput we need to import MatInputModule in application module. Angular Material provides MatInput Directive to create and element with a MatFormField.

button inside textarea button inside textarea

This page will walk through Angular Material textarea example.

Button inside textarea